Recent Work Gallery
Purchasing Limited Edition Prints from the Recent Work Gallery
For ease of initial posting, updating, and ongoing maintenance purposes, purchasing prints through the Recent Work Gallery requires a different process than is available through the other Main Galleries. If you would like to purchase Limited Edition Archival Pigment Ink Prints of any of the images contained within this gallery, please follow the steps, below.
Click the desired thumbnail image and hover your mouse over the resulting image enlargement page.
Note the unique 5-digit file number located in the lower left of the enlargement window. (example: 00624)
Please send an email inquiry through the Contact Page that includes (within the contact message, itself) the 5-digit file number associated with the specific image you are interested in purchasing.
You will receive an email reply (within 24 hours) and your requested image will thereafter be posted in the password protected Private Gallery where prints may be purchased in the very same manner as with all the other Main Galleries. You will also be provided a password to facilitate access to the Private Gallery, itself.
Please Note- The products offered for direct sale through this website are available for U.S.A. delivery, only. For a detailed explanation about why such is the case, please click here.
A Note About the Recent Work Gallery
For those with an eye for detail – and since its inception – the Recent Work Gallery has been re-named on two separate occasions (from the original: “Recent Work”, to “Current Work”, and then to “Currently Featured Work“) all in effort to accommodate a misnomer – that being that the “Recent Work” Gallery, admittedly, does not always feature “recent” and/or “current” work.
For those who have previously contacted me about the above discrepancy – I determined (as of 5/27/20) that – for purposes of retaining prior established URL links (which I have no effective means to change, once those links have been initially established, online) – I decided to return to (and to stick with) the original gallery name designation: “Recent Work.”
I appreciate and thank you for your understanding.